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Capello praises Tottenham


SC Supporter
Apr 11, 2004
From Premiershiplatest.com:

England Boss Capello Hails Premier League, Top Four & Tottenham

England manager Fabio Capello has acknowledged the quality of the Premier League compared to the other football leagues.

The Italian tactician, who has previously coached teams in his homeland and in the Spanish league, told Gazzetta dello Sport: "The Premier League is a very rich tournament.
"It's full of star players, the best strikers such as Didier Drogba, Fernando Torres, Dimitar Berbatov and Emmanuel Adebayor play here.

"The top four clubs, and I would also include Tottenham in there, play a different type of football from the rest with a winning formula."

Cheers Fabio!!


May 25, 2007
Interesting, he doesn't mention Rooney as a great striker, must be a way to cover the team he'll choose.


SC Supporter
May 28, 2004
Fabio - He's a Yiddo!

Nice to hear that, would like to read the whole article. Might try and translate it.


"I'm no optimist I'm just a prisoner of hope
Jan 23, 2006
From Premiershiplatest.com:

England Boss Capello Hails Premier League, Top Four & Tottenham

England manager Fabio Capello has acknowledged the quality of the Premier League compared to the other football leagues.

The Italian tactician, who has previously coached teams in his homeland and in the Spanish league, told Gazzetta dello Sport: "The Premier League is a very rich tournament.
"It's full of star players, the best strikers such as Didier Drogba, Fernando Torres, Dimitar Berbatov and Emmanuel Adebayor play here.

"The top four clubs, and I would also include Tottenham in there, play a different type of football from the rest with a winning formula."

Cheers Fabio!!

Got to include us really as we are the only team in the country that's won a trophy this year! :)

Still it's nice to know that he singles us out for praise, Ciao Fabio.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2004
Bet Everton fans won't be pleased when they read that. I would def include them in a top 6 with us.
Good to hear that he appreciates good footy. Mind you not sure what Chelski games he has been watching as they are as boring as ever to watch.


Imperfect modal meaning extractor
Oct 17, 2003
Top four... includes Spurs? I suppose the scum don't exist for him as they don't have any English players.


SC Veteran
Jun 4, 2004
Bet Everton fans won't be pleased when they read that. I would def include them in a top 6 with us.
Good to hear that he appreciates good footy. Mind you not sure what Chelski games he has been watching as they are as boring as ever to watch.

Maybe but his point was about the style of football and to be honest, despite being good this season, Everton win games based off the back of their very solid defense. They still tend to win games 1-0 and like at the wknd against Sunderland (off the elbow) the goals aren't always that pretty!!

It would be fair to say that we play an english version (i.e. high paced) of a continental style of footy whereas Everton are still more an old skool type of team.


May 25, 2007
Everton don't play a particularly attractive style of football, though :p

TRIPOLI, 11 marzo 2008 - Fabio Capello, ad ogni latitudine, è sinonimo di calcio vincente. La Libia non è esattamente una potenza calcistica. A Tripoli, però, sono ambiziosi, e vogliono imparare dai grandi: così alcuni sponsor hanno portato il c.t. inglese a insegnare come si “impara” a vincere. Capello è venuto, garantendosi però un aereo di ritorno che gli consenta di essere a San Siro, stasera, per assistere al tentativo d'impresa dei nerazzurri.

Che cosa può dire un allenatore ai suoi, alla vigilia di una gara così?

“In questi casi non servono particolari motivazioni. I ragazzi le hanno già dentro. Anzi, il rischio è di arrivare sovraccarichi, troppo tesi. Ma nell’Inter vedo lo spirito giusto, c’è la voglia di fare una grande partita. Poi, certo, bisogna riuscirci, ma ricordandosi che si può vincere con gol su angolo, su punizione, così come con le grandi giocate di un singolo”.
Di fronte ci sarà un Liverpool che pare davvero in forma Champions...
“Sì, loro stanno bene. Li ho visti in palla sabato e i tre risultati positivi di fila, andata compresa, hanno dato fiducia. L’Inter dovrà stare attenta a non prendere gol, a non concedere contropiede. In campo aperto sono letali”.
In particolare Fernando Torres è una macchina da gol. Se lo aspettava così bomber?
“Non aveva mai segnato tanto in Spagna, ma è giovane e i giovani bisogna saperli aspettare: devono maturare. Anche di Ibrahimovic si diceva che vedeva poco la porta. Poi ha cominciato a segnare con noi alla Juve, e ora continua”.
Se l’impresa dell’Inter non riuscirà, ci saranno quattro inglesi su otto ai quarti. Un segno che la Premier è il campionato migliore?
“È un campionato ricco, pieno di big. I migliori centravanti giocano lì: parlo di gente come Drogba, Torres, Berbatov, Adebayor. Le "top four" (Arsenal, Manchester Utd, Chelsea e Liverpool ndr), a cui aggiungerei il Tottenham, giocano un calcio diverso e vincente”.
Merito di maggiore programmazione e pazienza?
“I cicli lunghi come quelli di Wenger e Ferguson aiutano, ma non è solo questo. Ogni anno questi club possono gestire budget importanti e sanno dove mettere le risorse”.
Tre o quattro inglesi, di sicuro una italiana, la Roma.
“La Roma ha dimostrato di essere temibile per tutti e attrezzata ad andare avanti. Ha qualità e adesso anche la convinzione. C’è stato il salto di qualità a livello mentale”.
Per il Milan si è parlato invece di ciclo finito. D’accordo?
“No, io ritengo che con due o tre innesti giusti possa ripartire. Certo, non deve sbagliare gli acquisti in estate”.
Maldini forse gioca un altro anno.
“Non credo che dipenda da lui, ma dalle sue ginocchia”.
La Juve è in corsa per la Champions. Basta per etichettare la stagione della neopromossa come positiva?
“Credo si stia facendo un ottimo lavoro. Davanti ha due squadre più collaudate. Ma non parlatemi di neopromossa. Le neopromosse sono un’altra cosa. La Juve è la Juve, deve stare sempre in alto. L’anno prossimo sarà molto più difficile, dovrà lottare per forza per il titolo”.
Ha visto che cosa combina Cassano?
“Sono contento che sia tornato a giocare per quanto vale. Ha talento, quando ha il pallone fra i piedi...”.
Sorvola sul resto. Meglio sorvolare anche sulla questione arbitri?
“Io sono dell’idea che più si fischia più si sbaglia. Meglio il metro inglese, in questo senso. In Italia si analizza troppo la moviola per giustificare o condannare le prestazioni della squadra. E finché si discute su contatti minimi si giustificano i simulatori”.
Ultima cosa. Nel 2010, in Sudafrica, si aspetta di trovare Donadoni sulla panchina dell’Italia?
“Sta facendo un ottimo lavoro. Merita appoggio e considerazione. Ma prima di pensare al 2010 voglio qualificarmi”.
Whole interview, any Italians here?


Knight of the Fat Fanny
Aug 13, 2004
Cool, Capello like Spurs :)

I hope this means big things for our English players!

Plus players in Italy might think, "wow Capello rates Spurs! They don't look as bad an option as that skinny french manger makes out. I might join them."


Oct 25, 2004
The only teams that play really attractive football is us, UTD and unfortunetly that other lot.

chelsea and pool are absolutely horrible to watch


Knight of the Fat Fanny
Aug 13, 2004
Pool are okay. I like them. Chelsea are only good to watch when they're 3 - 0 up.

ManUtd are a different class and Arsenal's passing is awesome!!! If they pretended the goal was their player they might score more!


New Member
Oct 19, 2004
good to have that kind of mention by Capello. means the future squads should be packed of Spurs players too of course


New Member
May 20, 2005
I bet most 'neutrals' would rather watch Spurs at home compared to Everton -they'll see alot more goals and a true artist in Berbatov (rightly recognisd by Fabio)


New Member
Oct 19, 2004
well there has been close to 100 goals at the lane this season in the league i think the commentators said the other day

if thats not entertainment i dont know what is lol


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2005
Just ran the Italian through Babel fish and it came up with this translation:

TRIPOLI, 11 March 2008 - Fabio Hat, to every latitude, is synonymous of winning soccer. The Libia is not exactly one soccer power. To Tripoli, but, they are ambitiouses, and they want to learn from the large ones: therefore some sponsors have carried the c.t. English to teach as "it is learned" to win. Hat has come, guaranteeing but a return airplane that concurs to it of being to Saint Siro, this evening, in order to assist to the attempt of enterprise of the nerazzurri. Which thing can say a trainer to its, to the eve of one contest therefore? "In these cases they do not serve particular motivations. The boys have to them already within. Indeed, the risk is to arrive overloads, too much thesis. But in the Inter I see the spirit just, is it wants to make one great game. , then sure, it must succeed to us, but remembering itself that it can be won with goal on angle, on punishment, therefore as with the large ones played of a single one ". Of forehead there will be a Liverpool that seems indeed in Champions shape... "Yes, they are well. I have seen in ball saturday to them and the three turn out to you positi you of row, gone comprised, have given confidence. The Inter will have to be careful not to take goal, not to grant contropiede. In open field they are lethal ". In particular Fernando Torres is one machine from goal. If he waited for it therefore bomber? "he had not never marked a lot in Spain, but he is young and the young people it must know to wait for them: they must mature. Also of Ibrahimovic one said that it saw the door little. Then it has begun to mark with we to the Juve, and continuous hour ". If the enterprise of the Inter will not succeed, there will be four English on eight to the quarters. A sign that the Premier is the better championship? "It is a rich, full championship of big. The best centravanti play lì: I speak about people like Drogba, Torres, Berbatov, Adebayor. "top four" (the Arsenal, Manchester Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool ndr), to which I would add the Tottenham, play a various soccer and winning ". Merit of greater programming and patience? "the long cycles as those of Wenger and Ferguson help, but are not only this. Every year these clubs can manage important budgets and know where to put the resources ". Three or four English, of sure one Italian, the Rome. "the Rome has demonstrated of being frightening for all and equipped to go ahead. It has quality now and also the conviction. It has been the jump of quality to mental level ". For the Milan it has been spoken instead of ended cycle. Of agreement? "Not, I think that with two or three just grafts he can leave again. Sure, he does not have to mistake the purchases in summer ". Perhaps Maldini plays an other year. "Not creed that depends on he, but from its ginocchia". The Juve is in race for the Champions. Enough in order to label the season of the neopromossa like positive? "Creed is making an optimal job. It more has two tested squares. But you do not speak me about neopromossa. The neopromosse they are an other thing. The Juve is the Juve, must always up be. The next year will be the much most difficult one, will have to by force fight for the title it ". It has inasmuch as what arranges Cassano? "They are content that is returned to play for how much is worth. It has talent, when it has the football between the feet... ". It flies over on the rest. Better to fly over also on the issue wills? "I am of the idea that more is hissed more I mistake. Better the English meter, in so far as. In Italy the moviola is analyzed too much in order to justify or to condemn the performances of the square. And until one discusses on contacts minimums justify the simulators ". Last thing. In 2010, in Sudafrica, one expects to find Donadoni on the park bench of Italy? "it is making an optimal job. It deserves support and consideration. But before thinking next to 2010 I want to be characterized ".