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A goalscorer and a gentleman’ - tributes to John Duncan


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2005
Good player, saw him several times. Interesting contrast with football nowadays on that old match footage .

Early on there's a foul 'For using hands to gain advantage' . A player had pushed another. These days that is considered quite normal.
Then there's a penalty to Sunderland for 'impeding' at a corner. Again this would never be given today.All shirt pulling was
a foul. There wa simply no shirt pulling.

Football has changed particularly regarding the use of hands/arms to gain advantage. The rules are clear this is not allowed but the rules are now ignored.
Its partly why players these days need the physique of a middleweight boxer because the use of arms to gain advantage is endemic. Back in the day little skinny players eg Best or Bowles could thrive.