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Away Support vs Liverpool


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2004
We may have lost on the pitch yesterday but I've rarely been more proud as a Spurs fan from the behavior and attitude of our fans.

I had to go behind enemy lines and sit in the Liverpool stand next to the Spurs away support and we (Spurs) didn't stop singing throughout the whole game but what was most impressive was not just the wide variety of songs about most of the players (Holtby was loving his song as he warmed up down the touchline) but that they were not the nasty spiteful songs we normally hear from most away support (only one negative song about Suarez being a c**t but that's only telling the truth :whistle: )

On the flip side the Liverpool fans were very very quiet with hardly any songs or atmosphere being generated and they only really started singing in the 86th minute.

Even the Liverpool friends I went to the game with were massively complimentary about our away support even if they didn't understand the context behind some of the songs.