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Liverpool verify Suarez clause


Gatekeeper for debates, King of the plonkers
Jan 27, 2011
What an odd thing too go into. Just going to fuel transfer talk at a vital point in their season. Money bag clubs are going to see the figure "£40m" and nothing else. As soon as RM/Barca/Bayern start looking (and at £40m its a no brainer) then they are in a supremely strong position, and Liverpool the opposite. All it will take is Suarez's head to be turned a fraction and Liverpool are embroiled in ugly negotiations. £40m clause is just that: a legally binging agreement that Suarez's agents/ buying club will exploit. Very odd position to take, regardless if he has a point about football contracts in general.

He has signed a new contract since so I'm assuming he no longer has this clause in his contract.


Oct 19, 2006
He has signed a new contract since so I'm assuming he no longer has this clause in his contract.

Although by Henry's argument, that doesn't mean shit either... A major paradox and a potentially whole other can of worms being opened as to how much players and teams will go ahead and challenge contracts from here. Clubs and higher paid players will be able to afford the legal fees. They essentially called Suarez's bluff of going to legal action and won. Potentially this could be open for abuse until someone does go to court and a precedent is set.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
Isn't that the opposite of what they did? They completely disregarded his contract

Of course when Suarez eventually kicks up a fuss about wanting to go to Real, Liverpool will be incandescent with moaning about him 'disregarding his contract'.


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2005
