What's new

Why this years Premier League has seen the revival of football.


May 23, 2004
Much has been made of the closeness of the competition this year, but something really stands out....and that's the fact that the billionaire's club, including Chelsea and City, and the reputtaion boys, namely Liverpool, operate on a misunderstanding and its finally come to bite them on the arse.

Money and reputation doesn't buy you shit. You need talent, good management and, above all, team spirit. Neither Man U or Arsenal are in the billionaires club, nor do they live off past achievements like Pool do. We are proof that you don't need mega wages or mega singings to do well, just as long as you have team spirit, belief and the desire to win.

Whererever we may finish this year this has been, without a doubt, the finest Premier League season since the advent of the Premiership.

the watson

Apr 21, 2007
Football won't be revived until big games stop being shoved into Monday/Tuesday bloody nights for the sake of being on TV, and when tickets to those games aren't a week's wages.