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Jose Mourinho

How do you feel about Mourinho appointment

  • Excited - silverware here we come baby

    Votes: 666 46.7%
  • Meh - will give him a chance and hope he is successful

    Votes: 468 32.8%
  • Horrified - praying for the day he'll fuck off

    Votes: 292 20.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
Maybe some of us don't want to get used to it. Identity and tribalism are big parts of football supporter's mentalities. Part of supporting spurs is that the team, no matter how successful, play in a certain way. This may be a perception rather than the reality especially during the nineties, but there has always been a flair player or two to counter balance the technical deficiencies of the austins and Dohertys. It forms part of the identity of being a spurs fan.

JM is seen as the ultimate anti football (but successful)manager, his appointment undermines the history of attractive spurs football, and its why so many spurs fans are unhappy. we had a very similar situation when Graham was appointed and that worked out well. If he can somehow change his style and managerial approach to fit the club's philosophy I will be converted, but I think it's unlikely.

Your happiness I suppose it depends if you support spurs because you identify with the flair and attractive football philosophy or that winning trophies is what floats your boat (although you must have been very unhappy for the last 30 years). At the moment we aren't doing either so is anybody happy?
Exactly this.
Imagine if Ajax or Barcelona set up like this in home games for example, Jose would be out the door 5mins into the first match.

Now whilst we are neither as successful as Ajax or Barcelona our supposed ethos is “to dare is to do” and as the great Danny Blanchlower said “"The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It is nothing of the kind. The game is about glory, it is about doing things in style and with a flourish, about going out and beating the lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom."

Now I’ll admit I was open to the idea of Jose based on the fact I’ve supported and followed spurs religiously for 30 years and seen us win pretty much naff all, especially in the past 15 years so I was willing to mabye sacrifice some style of play for a chance of a trophy but I’ll also admit that it’s taken a grand total of 3 months for me to now not even want to watch our matches out of pure bordem. Im sorry but this is harder to watch than anything even under AVB for example, we literally play anti possession and the worst bit is our players are just not suited to it.

Yes his results have been fairly good on the whole so credit to him for that but we’ve also been outplayed or dominate by : Wolves, Norwich, Southamptonx2, Chelsea x2, Man.U, Liverpool, Man.City and we got lucky in a few other games as well.

Personally I think those who adamantly said Jose was completely the wrong fit for our club were correct, this is going to only get more toxic over the next few weeks and months as players get more tired with a lack of options to rotate in and also tired and frustrated by being told to go out and play anti-football. I hoped it wasnt true but I think Jose is a busted flush but mainly it’s just so so hard to put up watching this kind of football and as the guys on the ESPN analysis said if we had Kane and or Son against Chelsea it likely wouldn’t have made a bit of difference to how we set-up and the style of football we played.

Deleted member 27995

We've gone backwards. Just to sum it up, in Mourinho's own words... "Would a top-four finish be my greatest feat? In these circumstances, yes," just tells what an incredible job Poch's done. Mourinho's tactics are so diametrically opposed to what Tottenham's style is (was)... What a mistake letting Poch go, instead of backing him. I wasn't exactly over the moon when Mourinho was confirmed as Tottenham's new Head Coach, but really wanted him to prove me wrong.

Look, I'm aware that we're missing our two star attackers, but this is a 25-man squad.. We are paying the price for not playing to our strengths, when Mourinho's opts to park the bus against ...everyone.
If you're missing the majority of your goals what exactly are our strengths meant to be? It's like you're saying things while having the answer in front of you while not being able to accept it.

As far as Mourinho 'proving you wrong' while having a quote from the man himself declaring top four would be his greatest feat it's kinda self explanitory the magnitude of the job at hand. He has been in the job three months, what were you (others) expecting to happen in this 3 month period?

People are literally all over the place when it comes to trying to just throw shade at a man that has in a short period of time ground out points, results and all while stating to implement his vision - but because we lost back to back games, one being against a hated rival the end is nigh again, when a week ago it wasn't.

Not sure I can keep up with the list of excuses as to why Mourinho isn't upto it, but it continues to grow. It's a chuckle fest for sure.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
This one is DEFINITELY on Levy!
Yep, IF this does go balls up levy needs to get some serious heat his way as his management of the players and managers bar getting lucky with Poch & Redknapp has been abysmal So although I don’t enjoy the way we are playing I also feel Jose has been put in an almightily difficult position.

Deleted member 27995

Exactly this.
Imagine if Ajax or Barcelona set up like this in home games for example, Jose would be out the door 5mins into the first match.

Now whilst we are neither as successful as Ajax or Barcelona our supposed ethos is “to dare is to do” and as the great Danny Blanchlower said “"The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It is nothing of the kind. The game is about glory, it is about doing things in style and with a flourish, about going out and beating the lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom."

Now I’ll admit I was open to the idea of Jose based on the fact I’ve supported and followed spurs religiously for 30 years and seen us win pretty much naff all, especially in the past 15 years so I was willing to mabye sacrifice some style of play for a chance of a trophy but I’ll also admit that it’s taken a grand total of 3 months for me to now not even want to watch our matches out of pure bordem. Im sorry but this is harder to watch than anything even under AVB for example, we literally play anti possession and the worst bit is our players are just not suited to it.

Yes his results have been fairly good on the whole so credit to him for that but we’ve also been outplayed or dominate by : Wolves, Norwich, Southamptonx2, Chelsea x2, Man.U, Liverpool, Man.City and we got lucky in a few other games as well.

Personally I think those who adamantly said Jose was completely the wrong fit for our club were correct, this is going to only get more toxic over the next few weeks and months as players get more tired with a lack of options to rotate in and also tired and frustrated by being told to go out and play anti-football. I hoped it wasnt true but I think Jose is a busted flush but mainly it’s just so so hard to put up watching this kind of football and as the guys on the ESPN analysis said if we had Kane and or Son against Chelsea it likely wouldn’t have made a bit of difference to how we set-up and the style of football we played.
You change your mind on an hourly basis it seems.

The bit in bold is everything that is wrong with this fan base, that is the past - we had a shot at doing that last year in a final under the management of a man that you and others feel would have been a better bet than Jose - instead he played insipid uninspired football in the pinnacle of club football.

ESPN? I just can't take them seriously, they think we would have played the same football with our top two players in the team? ...

I'm sorry, I just can't.


Well done boys. Good process
Jun 20, 2012
I personally would have rather we stuck with Poch and gave him the opportunity to rebuild rather than go in the direction we have.
Im not so sure, if I was footing the bill I'm not sure I'd have bankrolled another Poch 5 year cycle, considering the last one ended completely potless.
Was Jose the right choice? far too early to say, but considering the rumours that if Poch stayed then some of our big hitters wanted out...I can see why Levy made the choice he did considering one of the most successful managers in the modern game was available and interested.

And all the posters moaning about the style of play and pining for Poch seem to have conveniently forgotten how awful we were to watch for most of last season and this season.
If we are still watching the same negative stuff into next season then yeah, have a moan.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2004
We all knew this would happen. Lets not pretend we didn't. Lots of us didn't want him, I was dead against it because of the football style he plays and because he can be a proper prick. However now he's in he's not going anywhere for at least 12 months and so far he's not been a prick but also he's our prick. The rest of this season is going to be painful. If he doesn't play Parrot in the FA Cup game I don't think he will. I'll hold of judgement until he's had a summer window and preseason.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
But pochs tactics were nothing to get excited about dominate the ball pass it sideways and backwards only to be unable to break the opposition down.
In the CL final Liverpool were happy to allow us the ball because they knew we wouldn't or couldn't score which was the case, we could still be playing that final now and still would not have scored.
We got to a final with a team that wasnt playing well, and was effectively finished.
Great achievement but if the investment in players that Poch had wanted before then it might have been so different.
People are moaning about the options Jose has well Poch had even less - new players bought last close season but no opportunity to implement change.
Now we are trying to play long ball football with no forward or the only fit one in Parrott not seen as an option.
We are looking to soak up pressure and hit teams quickly on the break - but with a defence that is all over the place.
I was fed up with watching the football under Poch as it was often groundhog day and you saw the same attacking pattern over and over again often with no shot, never mind end result.
But now at matches not sure i even see any football from us. Cannot remember one game have enjoyed - some good results yes but often not deserved
Jose presumably is going to get Daniel to open his cheque book but it should have been 2 yrs ago when Poch highlighted the need.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
You change your mind on an hourly basis it seems.

The bit in bold is everything that is wrong with this fan base, that is the past - we had a shot at doing that last year in a final under the management of a man that you and others feel would have been a better bet than Jose - instead he played insipid uninspired football in the pinnacle of club football.

ESPN? I just can't take them seriously, they think we would have played the same football with our top two players in the team? ...

I'm sorry, I just can't.
It’s not so much that I change my mind, although I do admit to having overestimated just how much of Jose’s anti football I could endure week after week, but its just not a very straight forward situation at all right now as it’s no one factor to blame, there are a culmination of many factors past and present at play here.

I respectfully absolutely disagree that Danny Blanchflowers quote is ’everything that is wrong with this fan base’ a football club and its fans identify are intertwined. Sure there needs to be an element of adaptation to changes over time in the game of course but fundamentally the significant past of a club is it’s fabric and DNA, if we just dismiss it then you’re taking out the heart and soul from football which to be honest with all the money in the game is slowly what’s been happening anyway to an extent.

Deleted member 27995

It’s not so much that I change my mind, although I do admit to having overestimated just how much of Jose’s anti football I could endure week after week, but its just not a very straight forward situation at all right now as it’s no one factor to blame, there are a culmination of many factors past and present at play here.

I respectfully absolutely disagree that Danny Blanchflowers quote is ’everything that is wrong with this fan base’ a football club and its fans identify are intertwined. Sure there needs to be an element of adaptation to changes over time in the game of course but fundamentally the significant past of a club is it’s fabric and DNA, if we just dismiss it then you’re taking out the heart and soul from football which to be honest with all the money in the game is slowly what’s been happening anyway to an extent.
Opening two lines a a juxtaposition to the original post I quoted.

We've seen it all though, haven't we? All the footballing styles, the managers, the players in the last 15 years let alone the last 30 that you keep referring too, one pot and a lot of heartbreak. Nothings changed.

Either we want to win something or we don't. We had our shot winning something and failed at the very end of last season. The football was rubbish. No glory in what we showed in the final.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
We got to a final with a team that wasnt playing well, and was effectively finished.
Great achievement but if the investment in players that Poch had wanted before then it might have been so different.
People are moaning about the options Jose has well Poch had even less - new players bought last close season but no opportunity to implement change.
Now we are trying to play long ball football with no forward or the only fit one in Parrott not seen as an option.
We are looking to soak up pressure and hit teams quickly on the break - but with a defence that is all over the place.
I was fed up with watching the football under Poch as it was often groundhog day and you saw the same attacking pattern over and over again often with no shot, never mind end result.
But now at matches not sure i even see any football from us. Cannot remember one game have enjoyed - some good results yes but often not deserved

Jose presumably is going to get Daniel to open his cheque book but it should have been 2 yrs ago when Poch highlighted the need.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
Exactly this.
Now whilst we are neither as successful as Ajax or Barcelona our supposed ethos is “to dare is to do” and as the great Danny Blanchlower said “"The great fallacy is that the game is first and last about winning. It is nothing of the kind. The game is about glory, it is about doing things in style and with a flourish, about going out and beating the lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom."

Now I’ll admit I was open to the idea of Jose based on the fact I’ve supported and followed spurs religiously for 30 years and seen us win pretty much naff all, especially in the past 15 years so I was willing to mabye sacrifice some style of play for a chance of a trophy but I’ll also admit that it’s taken a grand total of 3 months for me to now not even want to watch our matches out of pure bordem. Im sorry but this is harder to watch than anything even under AVB for example, we literally play anti possession and the worst bit is our players are just not suited to it.

Personally I think those who adamantly said Jose was completely the wrong fit for our club were correct, this is going to only get more toxic over the next few weeks and months as players get more tired with a lack of options to rotate in and also tired and frustrated by being told to go out and play anti-football. I hoped it wasnt true but I think Jose is a busted flush but mainly it’s just so so hard to put up watching this kind of football and as the guys on the ESPN analysis said if we had Kane and or Son against Chelsea it likely wouldn’t have made a bit of difference to how we set-up and the style of football we played.

As an old school supporter, i'm fully behind your sentiments and was against his appt for the same reasons. I thought, and still think, that Jose is smart enough to meld into the culture shaping it his way. And as other posters have suggested, some of his teams were very offensive.

Given the injuries now and in previous months, (all 3 new signings, Hugo, etc.) i'm giving him a pass for turgid football as well as a lack of results. He doesn't get a pass for this horses*** moaning on how "woe is we". it needs to be next man up and i'd rather him be less clever and focus more on systems of play that can make best use of what we have. As others have posted, there is far too much talent on the team and what is needed most, i suspect, is a bit of rest, a better mentality and some variation in systems of play.

Deleted member 27995

That's five years work Vs three months work ... There is a problem with that being 'this'

Not just you but everyone throwing their toys out the pram. Unless you see where he could take us, you've just jumped to the end and said no already ...

Think that's the crux of it, not sure people are going to get anything from the rest of this season if their expectations were ... I literally have no idea. At the start of January I thought this season was in the can - two months on ... We're competing, not sure anyone could honestly hand on heart could say the expected more (I could be wrong) but that'd be unreasonable, no? I certainly didn't think we'd be playing 'glory' football and a throw back to 'push and run' football considering why the outgoing manager was sacked .... I must be a mentalist.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2018
That's five years work Vs three months work ... There is a problem with that being 'this'

Not just you but everyone throwing their toys out the pram. Unless you see where he could take us, you've just jumped to the end and said no already ...

Think that's the crux of it, not sure people are going to get anything from the rest of this season if their expectations were ... I literally have no idea. At the start of January I thought this season was in the can - two months on ... We're competing, not sure anyone could honestly hand on heart could say the expected more (I could be wrong) but that'd be unreasonable, no? I certainly didn't think we'd be playing 'glory' football and a throw back to 'push and run' football considering why the outgoing manager was sacked .... I must be a mentalist.
But when Poch initially took us over sure the results weren’t always there but there were obviously signs of an attractive style of play which came to fruition over the next few seasons however with Jose it’s clear to see the plan but the plan doesn’t look attractive or enjoyable football.

Also you say 3 months of work but that would be ignoring Jose’s previous job where man.u fans were sick and tired of the style of football as it didn’t fit with man.utds identity and I think we are already seeing our fans starting to feel the same and many said this would be the case before he even started working with the team.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
Perhaps we could trouble you to edit the highlights of these games in chronological order to illustrate how shit Poch games used to be too before gaining some consistency. :D
Ahhh I said I didn't want to do it but seen as Poch's comparisons are going on I'll do it.


Started with a 1-0 win over West Ham. Not a great performance but was a very satisfying win to start with. Followed by a hammering of a very weak QPR (4-0). But then got completely exposed with the high press by Liverpool at home, losing 3-0.

Very mixed start but you could see we were miles away from the Poch team that was to come. Many many flaws in the team.


Next up, a travel up north to play an awful Sunderland side that ended in a 2-2 draw. Again a very indifferent performance, very similar to the AVB era. We then got embarrassed at home, losing 0-1 to WBA, before we managed to scrape a draw at Arsenal.

6 points from 6 games so far, not a lot to be excited about, still, early days. Although I do recall many saying the club screwed up getting Poch when bigger coaches were available.


Started with a decent 1-0 win against Southampton - although I don't really recall this game or performance. However, it's important to note that Poch was mixing up his starting 11 game by game. Players like Kane and Dembele still on the bench, Chiriches in and out of the team.

Then consequently got hammered 4-1 by City.....and then beaten 2-1 at home by Newcastle.

9 points from 9 games and not looking great at all! This is around about the time the cries for Kane to start started.


Next came that famous Villa game with Kane scoring the late winner but the performance was still largely poor and once again it was real concerning to see us plug away and look lacklustre and out of ideas.

The strange thing is that so many people refer this to Poch's turning point. Well, we lost 2-1 at home to Stoke and I think this may have been the real turning point in terms of certain players no longer being trusted (Kaboul, Adebayor, Capoue). Back to back wins for the first time vs Hull and Everton gave us some hope again.

18 points from 13. Poch's best month yet with 3 wins.


Started with a 3-0 spanking vs Mourinho's Chelsea, however the performance was quite promising. Drew with Palace in a pretty drab affair but then beat Swansea, Burnley and Leicester all 2-1 as we started to find momemtum. The performances were hardly stellar, but little signs were there. Lamela was impressing, Kane was scoring and Dembele was finding his way.

We drew 0-0 with United to finish the year with 29 points from 19 games. So very similar to this season.


Incredible 5-3 win vs Chelsea to start the year. The attack started to form but we still had issues as we were humbled by Crystal Palace 2-1. Scraped a 2-1 win vs Sunderland but got k'od in the FA Cup vs Leicester. Made damn hard work of beating a tier 3 Sheffield United to reach the final of the League Cup. Finished by beating WBA 3-0, first real accomplished performance since Poch walked in the door.

So 38 points from 23 games and whilst there was certainly improvements, Poch was still having difficulty overcoming dogged teams and the team were still capable of a bad defeat. But this month Poch had started to really define his team - 6 months after first starting with them.


Beat Arsenal with a great display but lost a silly game against Liverpool 3-2 to show many weaknesses defensively. Very lucky to draw 2-2 with West Ham after being 2 down and playing awfully. Also got knocked out of the Europa by an average Fiorentina.

42 points from 26 games and still a long way from looking like a consistent team. There was still a lot of doubts about Poch and the team and most of the focus was on how special Kane was and how lucky we were to have got him. Although there were some promising signs. But we'd all been here before.


Got schooled in the league cup final by Jose. But beat Swansea and QPR to keep the optimism rolling. Although a 3-0 hammering by Van Gaals United had many wondering if we'd picked the wrong coach. We finished the month with an uncomfortable 4-3 win vs Leicester at home. Still, 3 wins out of 4.

51 points from 30 games and most were wondering if we could sneak top 4 in spite of our inability to avoid a poor defeat every 3 or 4 games.


Put in a horrible performance to draw 0-0 with Burnley (Paulinho game) and got humiliated against an awful 10-men Villa team, losing 1-0 at home. Beat Newcastle 3-1 and drew 2-2 against Southampton. 5 points from 4 games amidst some pretty abject performances.

56 points from 34 games and still not sure what to think of Pochettino's Tottenham. Could look very decent and intense one moment, the next completely bereft of ideas and toothless.


Final month of the season with still a slight chance of CL qualification. But that proved to be more hope as we lost 1-0 to City without putting a mark on them and then got humiliated losing 3-0 vs Stoke - of all teams. Finished the season beating Hull and Everton to secure Europa, although the team were pretty much coasting by that point.

64 points and 5th place finish. We were close but never really close enough to CL qualification and other than a good bit of form from late December to February, the team were far from looking special.

The odd stellar performance every now and again but it was a very tough watch most of the season. A lot of wins by one goal, showed that the team were just scraping by and finding each game a slog. Poch was identifying the foundations and still understanding his best 11, right up until the summer of 2015. Trying to get the team to buy into the press and identify those who were incapable.

In fact, this followed on into the next season. We lost to United, drew with Stoke, Leicester and Everton squeezed past Sunderland in the first two months. All far from convincing, looking quite toothless all the while. Some time after it all clicked and we became the monster team we all loved.

The point I'm making is that it took a hell of a long time for Poch to really work his magic and the first 14 months or so were pretty rocky, good performance, average performance then poor performance. Different 11 week in week out. It was really hard to see the direction we were headed but because Poch was given time he was able to really imprint his style onto the team and get everyone on board.

Jose needs similar time and trust. I see some similarities, average performances, some good results, some bad results, certain players looking finished, some lacking form and belief. We just need to be very patient.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2012
Yep, IF this does go balls up levy needs to get some serious heat his way as his management of the players and managers bar getting lucky with Poch & Redknapp has been abysmal So although I don’t enjoy the way we are playing I also feel Jose has been put in an almightily difficult position.

Well done Levy for stopping the decline and getting in a world class manager better than the last.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2009
You change your mind on an hourly basis it seems.

The bit in bold is everything that is wrong with this fan base, that is the past - we had a shot at doing that last year in a final under the management of a man that you and others feel would have been a better bet than Jose - instead he played insipid uninspired football in the pinnacle of club football.

ESPN? I just can't take them seriously, they think we would have played the same football with our top two players in the team? ...

I'm sorry, I just can't.

Except that we pretty much were playing exactly the same way when we had Kane and Son.
Take for example the home game against Chelsea, stats very much match yesterday (except they had slightly more possession) and had 13 shots to our 5, as opposed to the 17 against 5 yesterday), and the performance was just as bad.
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