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football books


Mar 11, 2005

i work on and off as a football commentator, and i'm always looking to improve my knowledge of the game in terms of tactics. commentating on what is happening is no problem, but when it comes to explaining what a team could be doing better, or why it is performing so badly in a given situation, is not the easiest thing to do while concentrating on everything else that is going on.

sadly i have no co-commentator or ex-pro, nor do i have a team of researchers and statisticians feeding me info.

therefore i'm looking to work on this side of my commentary and was wondering if anyone can recommend a good book or two. i hear vickery go on about 'inverting the pyramid' all the time, so that's been ordered already. football books about tactics, formations and the like - that's what i'm after.

if you have any ideas, please post them on here or send me a message - might not check back so often, but a message will remind me.
