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Kane sets challenge for team after identifying reason for 'disappointing' season


Active Member
Oct 2, 2019
That quote is as good as a transfer request.
In football headlines a quote is no more than a short excerpt from a longer comment or answer to questions that we never get to see. They take out a phrase so that they can interpret 'their story', the one the media want to do in order to string things out. Read Harry's meaty comments in the Mail Online yesterday, from after the Football Awards ceremony, and he makes a considered statement. Personal awards, team success or falling short of winning a recent trophy, the need for the team to improve, etc. — It's all in there. That is, personal achievement is fine but he wants the team to establish achievements for the benefit of club and supporters. Whether it's doing that with the club or England, it's trophies he'd like what he's involved in to win.