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Homosexuality is a disease and should not be supported – Mateja Kezman

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
homosexuality is real, people need to deal with it there are many more important things in life to dwell upon such as how can anyone believe in the existence of jesus christ for starters.

Well, I'm pretty near 100% certain that Jesus was a historical figure. I also believe that if we paid attention to some of the stuff he said (none of which had anything to do with homosexuals) the world could be a better place. The bullshit that's accumulated around him is a different matter entirely. As for some of the sanctimonious bigots who claim to be Christians…


Fookin' Legend in Gin Alley
Aug 29, 2011
Homosexuality is not a disease. It was a poor choice of words/translation from Kezman.

However, why should someone not have the right to disagree with homosexuality? Lufti himself hasn't called it a disease and yet people are attacking him?

So much for freedom of speech.


SC Supporter
Oct 19, 2004
Yeah but the difference being that everyone is calling him a disgusting human being or whatever for standing up for his beliefs, whereas we're freely allowing others to put forward theirs :)

Maybe because his beliefs are actually prejudice based on fuckwitted ignorance and he has the power to influence many people with those views because of his position.


SC Supporter
Oct 19, 2004
homosexuality is real, people need to deal with it there are many more important things in life to dwell upon such as how can anyone believe in the existence of jesus christ for starters.

Maybe Jesus did exist, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't necessarily a homophobic bigot, more dubious is belief in an omnipresent ethereal being who floats around heaven overseeing the creation of biological weapons, famine, pestilence, catholic nonces and The Real Housewives of Beverley Hills.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
Homosexuality is not a disease. It was a poor choice of words/translation from Kezman.

However, why should someone not have the right to disagree with homosexuality? Lufti himself hasn't called it a disease and yet people are attacking him?

So much for freedom of speech.

Irony really isn't your strong suit, is it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
I don't see how me having a belief makes me a scumbag. I think it's wrong to be gay but I don't openly go out and attack them verbally or physically and I never will. I don't approve of something, but I don't see why that should make me a bad person or make you know enjoy my football related posts any less.

Also, I don't think being gay is just as genetic as being black or Asian. In fact, it clearly isn't natural which is why two men / two women can't reproduce, nor are they designed to properly have intercourse with each other. People say they are born gay but this can't possibly be true. You can't be born with a sexual preference in the same way you're not born with a like of football or certain foods, it's not genetic or inherited. It comes as a result of the environment they're bought up in and events over the period of their early life, though it's obviously subtle rather than just waking up one day and suddenly being homosexual.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll give me a negative rep for this as will others, but it's my opinion and my belief. Yours are different to mine and that's fine, I wont suddenly look at your posts in a different light but if you now see me as some sort of 'scumbag' and don't want to like any more of my posts then personally I feel you have the problem rather than me

Myself being a Christian, I would have to disagree you there. In environments where homosexuality isn't tolerated and is seen as 'evil' or 'immoral', why would anyone choose to be Homosexual? Many people have deep issues and struggle against their sexuality with many committing suicide over it and others feel ashamed over it. I find it extremely hard to believe that people would choose this lifestyle.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion and others do share your opinion but I don't believe in this 'Homosexuality is a choice' when in most cases it isn't.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2005
I respect you being completely honest about your feelings here lufti. I feel that you have gone about making your point in a respectful manner, Its not a viewpoint that I share. Personally i couldn't care less what 2/3/4 hell however many consenting adults want to get up to in their own time but different viewpoints are what makes the world an interesting and sometimes scary place.

I'm sorry that you feel you have been attacked in this thread for putting forward an alternative view.


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
Okay, I said I wouldn't comment again here but just to clarify as my views have been misinterpreted. I don't think it's a choice, I'm just saying I don't think it's genetic either. I think it's a result of the environment people grow up in

People are brought in the same environments but some are homosexual and others are heterosexual in their sexual orientation. What kind of environment is bringing up children to be homosexual?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
I wandered in here and I think considering the mindless condemnation and ignorance towards homosexuality within football, it's a credit that this football forum can debate issues of homosexuality in an intelligent and forthright manner without degenerating into typical cheap 'comedic' homophobia.


Aug 6, 2012
Okay, I said I wouldn't comment again here but just to clarify as my views have been misinterpreted. I don't think it's a choice, I'm just saying I don't think it's genetic either. I think it's a result of the environment people grow up in

My brother is gay and it's honestly not a choice. He told me how much he wished when he found out he was straight and still does to a degree to this day.

I believe it's an inherent geneitical 'flaw' and is only 'activated' around the coming of sexual maturity. Also believe the existent genetic 'flaw' can seemingly effect a persons demeanour; leading (sometimes) to feminine traits in young boys and masculine traits in young girls. That's just my own onion on the experience I've had with my own family member and limited knowledge on the subject.

I respect your view and you're clearly not homophobic or likely to 'attack' someone based on their sexuality, so it's all cool. Freedom of thought and speech and all that jazz (y)


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2005
People are brought in the same environments but some are homosexual and others are heterosexual in their sexual orientation. What kind of environment is bringing up children to be homosexual?

all talk of nature/nuture in this arena is pretty moot, is there any concrete evidence for either theory?

Actual scientific evidence that disproves the other?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2005
Genuine interest in hearing peoples opinions here.
If you are born homosexual/heterosexual where do bisexual people fit in?


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2013
It must be one of the most natural diseases in the world seeing as men have been fucking other men since year dot.

Fucking women is for pussy's. :).

I forget what film that line is from.


President of The Niles Crane Fanclub
May 7, 2006
Everyone needs dick. See, I can buy fags. Bunch of guys that need dick - just plain need it? That I get. Dykes? Bullshit posturing. But - live and let live, I guess.

- Banky Edwards, 1997


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2012
Gonna put my neck on the line here and take the dislikes but that's fine.

Kezman hasn't put forward his opinion or religious view point foward elegantly, but isn't it within his right to give his opinion? Everyone is slamming him for being homophobic but at the same time are discriminating whilst doing so.

As a Christian myself it is in our belief that being homosexual is a sin. Given there are estimated around 2 billion Christians in the world this obviously isn't an uncommon viewpoint. So anyway, when asked about a gay pride parade, why shouldn't he be allowed to give his viewpoint? Again, I'm not saying he put it forward elegantly but he's entitled to it and it's possible the translation into English makes it sound more harsh than it is.

Foolish argument.

Firstly Kezman has not just said he disagrees with homosexuality. He's stating it's a disease. This goes beyond just disagreeing with it because of bigoted religious indoctrination but instead is just pure insult

Secondly, nobody ever said Kezman shouldn't be allowed to have his say. Of course he should, in fact I'm glad he did, now we all know how much of a bigot he is. The point is that he has the right to say this, just as I have the right for saying he's a bigot for saying so


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2012
I don't see how me having a belief makes me a scumbag. I think it's wrong to be gay but I don't openly go out and attack them verbally or physically and I never will. I don't approve of something, but I don't see why that should make me a bad person or make you now enjoy my football related posts any less.

Also, I don't think being gay is just as genetic as being black or Asian. In fact, it clearly isn't natural which is why two men / two women can't reproduce, nor are they designed to properly have intercourse with each other. People say they are born gay but this can't possibly be true. You can't be born with a sexual preference in the same way you're not born with a like of football or certain foods, it's not genetic or inherited. It comes as a result of the environment they're bought up in and events over the period of their early life, though it's obviously subtle rather than just waking up one day and suddenly being homosexual.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll give me a negative rep for this as will others, but it's my opinion and my belief. Yours are different to mine and that's fine, I wont suddenly look at your posts in a different light but if you now see me as some sort of 'scumbag' and don't want to like any more of my posts then personally I feel you have the problem rather than me

You clearly have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

And yes your comments do give me full validation to believe your a bad person. If I was posting on forums that I don't like Black people but that I don't go around attacking them, would you believe me to be a good person......

Despite what you try to tell yourself there is absolutely no difference.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2005
Gonna put my neck on the line here and take the dislikes but that's fine.

Kezman hasn't put forward his opinion or religious view point foward elegantly, but isn't it within his right to give his opinion? Everyone is slamming him for being homophobic but at the same time are discriminating whilst doing so.

As a Christian myself it is in our belief that being homosexual is a sin. Given there are estimated around 2 billion Christians in the world this obviously isn't an uncommon viewpoint. So anyway, when asked about a gay pride parade, why shouldn't he be allowed to give his viewpoint? Again, I'm not saying he put it forward elegantly but he's entitled to it and it's possible the translation into English makes it sound more harsh than it is.

He's entitled to his opinion.

And I'm entitled to think he's an ignorant thick piece of shit **** for having it.
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