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New stadium plans 'an act of pure vandalism', says group of local businesses


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2015
My bog after a double vindaloo is an act of pure vandalism. This stadium looks rather nice.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2008
"Red brick heritage high road" ??
Have any of these idiots actually set foot down the high road lately? Next they will claim it's an area of outstanding natural beauty.


This is the place to be
May 7, 2004
This guy needs to look up the word vandalism in the dictionary.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
We are spending millions on improving the area from what is somewhat of a run down area.....is that vandalising.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2010
Is it really a local business group's area of expertise to comment on such issues? How many of them have enhanced the appearance of the area or contributed to its development? How often have they spoken up during the area's decline over the last 50 or 60 years? Isn't it ironic that a group such as them should suddenly pipe up at a time when that trend might just be arrested or even reversed? I do smell self-interest here. The VC runs a local pharmacy. Is she afraid that newcomers arriving as a result of the scheme will erode her business?


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2005
Tottenham is one of the most rundown areas in London. It's what you might call in technical terms, 'A proper shit-hole'.

Without the football club that entire town is lost, so maybe these 'businessmen' should wind their necks in and welcome progress and better times for the community. Unless of course they're running a crack network through their shops, a bit like the famous Mob-run 'Pizza Connection' in New York city back in the seventies, in which case I completely understand why they're not happy ;)


North Stand behind Pat's goal.
May 21, 2004
I would imagine Sainsburys has more to answer to than the new Stadium with respect to local businesses.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
They’ve probably clocked on to the fact that the club are going to put in a load of pubs and restaurants in the ground and complaining that the club are ruining the heritage of the area is their only means of dealing with this competition. Can’t say I blame them really. Going by the surveys they’ve been sending out it seems to me that none of the local businesses (well pubs and eateries anyway!) will stand a chance against what the club is planning.


Just call me Baz
Apr 1, 2005
They’ve probably clocked on to the fact that the club are going to put in a load of pubs and restaurants in the ground and complaining that the club are ruining the heritage of the area is their only means of dealing with this competition. Can’t say I blame them really. Going by the surveys they’ve been sending out it seems to me that none of the local businesses (well pubs and eateries anyway!) will stand a chance against what the club is planning.

There will also be all the tottenham walk. Some of the businesses will face compulsory purchase orders.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2005
The new stadium and development and all it's facilities will regenerate a run down and poor area of London surely this can be only a good thing. It will bring new business opportunities to the area and support the already existing businesses. Something that would not happened if we had moved to another area of North London.


Front Page Gadfly
Jun 7, 2004
Identikit NIMBY stuff, full of megaphone clichés.

The "out of scale" arguments aren't going to cut any ice. The "heritage assets" arguments help Historic England by showing that there is local support for the retention of the three buildings - in fact it would not surprise me if this objection was actively recruited by HE, through contacts.

A bit of devil's advocate is merited, though. Architecturally, Tottenham is anything but a "shithole". It has a very impressive collection of high-quality Georgian architecture, including some fine late 18c. buildings further down the High Rd toward Seven Sisters. There are excellent historic buildngs in Bruce Grove, too, and elsewhere. And, of course, there's Bruce Castle, which is Grade I listed and 16c.

You have to look up and see what's behind some of the shop facades and also imagine what some of the better buildings would be like if they were cleaned and fully restored didn't have 20 cars parked in their forecourts.

When I was doing my architecture degree, we would joke that you can always tell the architects, because they're the only people who look up above ground floor level when they walk down London streets, except of course the tourists.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2004
Did anyone see that program on David Lammy's MP's surgery last week ?

The borough is a complete basket case .

There were some heart rending cases .

Nevertheless a disproportionate number of people who live there are entirely dependent on support from the state .

How is the proposed regeneration (which extends far beyond a new football ground) going to change that for the better ?

Where are the new jobs going to come from to replace all those small businesses they are forcing to close ?

They are proposing to close down a lumber yard which directly employs 28 people in order to build social housing .

Why don't they relocate the newcomers outside of London instead ?

I like Lammy but he was playing massively to the camera's .

Unless they improve the ratio of net contributors to net recipients the borough will surely remain a basket case .

Ultimately I suspect that over time the people the regeneration is ostensibly intended to help will be displaced by young professionals moving in to the area .


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2012
I'd bet every one of the people opposing it are anti tottenham.

I doubt any of them would suffer financially and would most likely benefit in some way. But there they are, complaining about everything.