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Star has told agent he's so keen to leave Spurs he'll take a big pay cut


Ronny Rosenthal
Jul 15, 2004
I saw this figure quoted yesterday in an article in the Telegraph, and it just emphasises how little the fans actually get to know about football transfers. If we have "only" paid £13m for RS, how much of the rest of last year's dealings can be taken at face value? Did we ever receive £86m for Bale in the first place, or was much of that performance related? It's starting to look as though our "massive outlay" on players last summer was a bit of a PR stunt.

It's not so much a pr stunt however I would imagine very few sales are for the full sum up front. Clubs have to balance the books and it is likely they offset transfers each season with steady income from sales in previous years. I doubt very much if we got more than 50 for bale last summer and would expect that real will be paying into our accounts for years to come. It's not all cloak and dagger stuff just business